A Mom’s love letterĀ 

You’re growing up so fast my 1st born, and you’re almost taller than me. I am excited and yet a little wary what will you be in the coming years. You’re 11 and still more years to come til I can finally let you go to whatever road you may want to go…but for now, let me be your mom who will teach you, protect you, scold you, spank you if necessary, discipline you, mentor you, cheer you up when you are down, talk to you especially about Jesus, listen to your stories, answer even your silly questions,be your friend when no one is around, above all pray for you. 

As I have dedicated you to the Lord when you were barely 1yo., I know I don’t hold your life, all is in God’s hand. Your Dad and I were given to you to raise you according to His will, and all i can do is entrust you to Him. Sorry if at times i might have hurt your feelings, for raising my voice, for saying words that may hurt your little heart, sorry if at times I cannot give what you want, or can’t answer your questions, or can’t explain why some kids bully you even your brothers, or they can’t invite you for sleepover or if a friend you wanted for sleepover declined…those are the times I wanted to just hug you and not say a word and just let my embrace comfort you and feel you are loved. But that’s the reality in life, it won’t always be favorable, hurt and pain are real, sadness and rejection are just in the corner, especially if you are not the usual kid at your age. But one thing is always there, God’s love and grace abounds, thats why inspite of your lack of friends, God gave you such loving brothers, Titas and Titos around, Dad and Mom who love you most. 

I admit you are not my “star” baby, early years when some developmental issues were identified, but we surpassed it, and the goodness in your heart makes you shine in our family. I can’t forget when you had a large amount of money, if its your brother, he might have used it for some gadgets or toys of his choice, but you chose to have 50% of it as your saving, 10% you said as your tithes, 20% for mission and i have my share too, the remaining 20%. That’s why at times you feel down and  rejected, i cried too in silence yet I cannot show it to you, all I do is cover you with my love and prayers coz I know you’ll get through it by God’s help.

We have a long journey to go my son, but just let me hold your hand for awhile, then I’ll let go once God told me so. 

Happy 11th year my Isachar Gamliel.

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